When a singer complains of vocal symptoms, they are most often suffering from “vocal strain” or Muscle Tension Dysphonia which is strenuous overuse of the voice. Over time, if untreated can include loss of vocal range and pain when singing. However, the vocal muscles are just one piece of an incredibly complex machine. The healing and strengthening of the vocals are also dependent on the integration of all the pieces combined working in harmony.
Singers need to have incredible breath control through their abdominopelvic muscles, diaphragm, and intercostals while simultaneously keeping the secondary muscles of respiration surrounding the neck and throat (scalenes) relaxed to allow the free pathway of air and sound. When the scalenes and clavicular muscles of the neck are tight or "being choked" this restricts the quality of vocal control affecting sound.
Understanding the anatomy of this instrument - which is the body and how all the pieces involved collaborate as a unit will not only improve one's vocal range and control but further longevity in their singing career.
The treatments are designed to improve vocal health by mobilizing the tissues of the neck, jaw, rib cage and other key pathways affecting sound while never losing sight of the bigger picture, to create symmetry in the body.